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Woodworker's Gazette
Gazette Archive 3/13/99

A Book Review: by Edward Vaisvilas

Title: Crafting as a Business

Author: Wendy Rosen
Available from: Amazon.com
Published by Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.
387 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016-8810
ISBN:0806985534 Softcover $19.96

4 Stars out of a possible 5. In a word: Thorough!

That's the only way one can describe Wendy Rosen's book, "Crafting as a Business".

Easily read, not too wordy, this guide can be considered a "bible" for those who wish to profit from their handiwork.

From the basics of Getting Started, to the necessity of understanding business concepts, to working on your image and bonding with your customers; Ms. Rosen leaves no stone unturned. For someone who is seriously considering making a few extra bucks, or pursuing a full time career in crafting, this book is a must read.

Edward Vaisvilas

Editor's Note: Sterling Publishing has graciously donated several books for review which are passed on to our members free of charge. Thank You!

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