Woodworker's Central
Woodworker's Gazette
Gazette Archive 6/28/99

A Book Review: by Phil Quartararo

Title: Veneering - A Complete Course

Author: Ian Hosker

Published by Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.
387 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016-8810
ISBN:1861080468 Softcover $19.95 (US), $27.95 (CAN)

Mr. Hosker uses one of the best teaching methods available and one that has proven quite effective. Namely:

1) "This is what I'm going to tell you"
2) "This is what I'm telling you"
3) "This is what I told you"

By utilizing this method to review each subject, he approaches a self paced teaching process and is successful in getting each point across. The subject matter is applicable to both experienced and novice woodworkers and acts as a refresher in some instances.

The only shortcomings are his mixture of British and American terminology (crimps and clamps) and his references for acquisition of supplies. Strangely, if a book is to be sold to the U.S. market why would one not include suppliers in the U.S. A minor shortcoming this, because I'm sure appropriate vendors can be readily found in the Yellow Pages or on the Internet.

Phil Quartararo

Editor's Note: Sterling Publishing has graciously donated several books for review which are passed on to our members free of charge. Thank You!

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