A Book Review by Aaron A. Gesicki
Title: Scroll Saw Art
Authors: Patrick Spielman &
Kerry Shirts
Published by: Sterling
Publishing Co. Inc.
387 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016-8810
ISBN 0806928972
Price Softcover: $17.95 (Canada $25.95 )
128 color pages
The book is soft cover, 128 pages.
There is a page of authors biographies, two pages of contents,
three pages of introduction, 6 chapters, a useless one page metric
equivalency chart, and an equally useless two-page index. It's
a minor complaint, but the publisher could have saved three sheets
of paper and all the printing costs that go with it by eliminating
the last two items and two pages of redundant pictures.
Project Chapters
Chapter 1 - Tools & Materials - contains eight pages of the
most basic information. It is unlikely that a novice would jump
into the projects in this book, consequently most if not all
of this chapter is of very little value.
Chapter 2 - Basic Techniques - is 11
pages of treasure, where the secret to how this art-form is really
accomplished is discussed. Very informative.
Chapters 3, 4, and 5 - Projects, for
Beginners, Intermediates, and Experts, respectively. Each project
has a picture of the completed project and a complete, reproducible,
cutting and coloring diagram. Virtually every project was of
interest to me, with the designs being well balanced and attractive.
Chapter 6 - Gallery & Inspirational
Pieces. These are all pictures from completed, finished projects.
Some beautiful pieces are displayed here. In total, there are
32 projects, most of them being animals. There are more than
a few I would like to make.
This book is not about Intarsia, which is what Judy Gale Roberts
does. This book shows you how to do the next best thing, or maybe
even the equivalent. We are shown how to take simple and cheap
soft maple, cut it, then stain with a just of handful of commonly
available oil-based stains, and have an artistic look.
Rather than using wood's natural colors and textures, as intarsia
does, we get those effects from using earth tone stains. The
effects are quite striking, as illustrated by the Zebra, on the
books cover and one of the Beginner Projects.
Intarsia is art. So is this. Instead
of searching for colored wood, you find that color in a can,
just like those who put color on canvas. This book should be
an inspiration to all of us with a scroll saw. It makes the possibility
of creating an artistic piece just a board foot and a few hours
Aaron A. Gesicki
Editor's Note: Sterling Publishing has graciously
donated several books for review which are passed on to our members
free of charge in exchange for thoughtful, honest reviews. Thank
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