Woodworker's Central
Woodworker's Gazette
Gazette Archive 7/27/01

A Book Review by Eric Smith

Title: Jointers and Planers:
How to Choose, Use and Maintain Them

Rick Peters

Published by: Sterling Publishing Co. Inc.

387 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016-8810
ISBN 0806967552
Price Softcover: $14.95 (Canada $21.95 )
128 color pages

I really wish I had seen this book 6 years ago before I bought my first jointer and planer. It might have persuaded me not to, and if that failed, it would have saved me endless hours of experimentation in righting the wrongs with with my first purchase!

This book is a thorough look at what planers and jointers should be, how to fix them, and how to keep them from breaking. It is well illustrated to bring its points home, especially if one is new to these machines. It goes over both stationary machines, and portable ones. People with more experience might find it old hat, but I'd bet nickels to navy beans that most of us would find a few things that we did not know or were puzzled by.

The sections on advanced operations and jigs is a comprehensive guide of procedures. He gives a great plan for shop made rollers, just to name one. I think my favorite is the tapering jig in the chapter on advanced operations. The glossary at the back of the book is also helpful if one needs to communicate with manufacturers or others about jointers and planers.

I would definitely have a look at this text if you are thinking of buying a new or second hand machine in the near future. It could very well pay for itself in making the right choice the first time!

Eric Smith

Editor's Note: Sterling Publishing has graciously donated several books for review which are passed on to our members free of charge in exchange for thoughtful, honest reviews. Thank You! And you can usually find their titles at a discount from Barnes And Noble

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