Founded September 5, 1997 |
In the beginning, we weren't really certain what to expect or what this website should become. We were only a bunch of woodworkers who weren't very satisfied with the way information on the Web had evolved. We didn't like the way woodworking information was seemingly forever tied to advertising and the interests of large corporations.
In order to break this trend, we chose to build a place where useful information could be gathered and distributed without undue influence. No ad pressure and especially no large entities which could temper the information we gathered to make available to other woodworkers. In essence, we've constructed and continue to build the kind of website we would like to visit ourselves, where you can contribute your thoughts and find an honest opinion.
As you poke around, please feel free to give us your input if you think we can do it better. The features you find result from the efforts and feedback we have received from thousands of other woodworkers. We also have in place a mechanism to allow other woodworkers to participate directly with the evolution of our organization. We operate on a concensus basis and what you find here is a direct product of this concensus.
Below you'll find a list of the guidelines we've adopted for operating this website. Enjoy your visit and remember to come back often.
Association Guidelines
Your privacy is important. WWA member websites and individuals agree to never sell or give your email address or other personal information to anyone without your expressed permission. Nor will they ever clog your inbox with email not related to any specific requests or information you may provide. This is what we expect for ourselves and what we offer to everyone else.
Your woodworking is important. We, the founders of the WWA are all avid woodworkers as well as frequent travelers on the Web. With years of experience in both endeavors, it's our desire that your visits to this site are both enjoyable and rewarding.
Your feedback is important. Please feel free to send any comments, suggestions or complaints by clicking on the mailbox below.
If you would like to learn more about the WWA, please visit our support page. Copyright©1997-2008WWA